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Showing posts from September, 2017

It is officially autumn

It is officially my favourite season of the year!  The weather is certainly reflecting the season and we have started using the heating in the house.  In case you are wondering, no the house is not done yet.  Nonetheless we ran some errands yesterday, to settle the carpet for the bedroom, stairs and landing.  Also managed to order some lighting fixtures in a sale which is helpful on the pursestrings.  Once this project is over, we can finally sigh with a huge relief. I took some photos in the (very unkempt) garden; as usual my favourite lattice is proudly showcasing the bright reds, orange and yellows. This must be the fourth time we are seeing this explosion of colours but I never get tired of it.  Each time I'm just amazed at how seasons change and these plants, well, they just do their thing.

Our busy weekend

Last weekend was a busy one for us.  The workers came over to continue on the house works over both days, bright and early (and cold) by 8am such that we were deprived of our weekend lie-in.  Oh well, the early bird...  We were glad we had plans to go out on both days so we didn't have to stay home amidst the flurry of activity.  First the electrician came over at 8am.  Then the plumber 15min later.  Followed shortly by another 5 workers who came into the house in an orderly fashion.  By the time our cleaner came over at 830am she thought whatever happened to our house with so many people!  And that was only 830am (stifling a yawn already). We closed our bedroom door and tried to snooze but of course that proved difficult.  Then the builder Aleks "the boss" whom we liaised with came over at 11am and we went round the house to chat about the progress, next steps and of course do our part payment.  We chatted and clearly he was immensely proud of the amount of work his wo