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Showing posts from May, 2017

The London Lego Store

A few weeks ago, exactly on my 9th anniversary in London (wow where has all the time gone to?), I met up for dinner with some friends and while we were passing by Leicester Square I spotted the relatively new Lego store and beckoned for the group to have a quick look.  Apparently the queue to enter the store is usually pretty long and for some reason there was no queue that night.  Let's go! CY who has been before said it's a very nice store and we girls would like it.  When we stepped in, I felt like a kid again and went ooh and ahh over all the awesome looking Lego displays.  I've been to the one in Copenhagen, Denmark where Lego is from, which was pretty awesome but I thought this is on another level.  These two floors are simply Lego paradise. In the display front, yep all made using Lego bricks except for this metal pole Of course we need to have Big Ben.  Look at the intricacies of the Lego bricks! Another London icon - the Tube map of major attraction

Hello, May

Gosh these days I don't seem to have time to blog.  Hubby K was away for a while and I'm so glad that he's back now and I have some company!  We are now renting a small but comfortable room from a friend R not too far from our house.  We even have a fireplace in our room!  Might post some pictures of it when we tidy up the mess.  Currently we have stuff all over the desk and the (limited) floor space.  That said, I ain't complaining.  Staying with R brings back memories of my flat sharing days.  We take turns to cook, clean up and bring out the trash.  It takes a little bit to get used to, as this isn't my own place anymore and so we are a little cautious when it comes to using the common areas especially the kitchen. I thought we needed to take a break from the house renovations and suggested us driving out into Kent in search of some bluebells.  These delicate purple flowers are in season now and I yearn to walk into - like what they say - a carpet of blueb