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Showing posts from February, 2019

A day in the life of 13 month old Isabelle

Hello there, dear aunties and uncles, So my mommy decided to write a day in the life of me, so if you are interested to find out more, read on! Somehow my body clock is tuned to wake up between 7-730am everyday.  It's mostly a good night's sleep - through the night - after mummy or daddy tucked me into my snug sleeping bag at bedtime.  Mmm.. I always need my muslin and dummy to fall asleep.  In the morning when I'm awake in my cot (in my own room), sometimes I sit there and talk in my baby language.  I'm told it sounds cute.  On certain days where I wake up feeling really hungry, I will let out a loud continuous cry, in hope I can wake someone up in the other room and make me a bottle of milk.  It always works, I tell you.  Sometimes I have to wait a while, but eventually someone will come with a bottle of milk and I get all excited!  I stand up in my cot and start bopping because you know... milk.  Mummy or daddy will open the curtain to let the sunlight in

Happy New Year, Happy Lunar New Year

Is this the longest silence that I've had on this blog?  Possibly!  Well since I've been back full time, sadly there isn't much time for anything else.  I'm trying though. Happy 2019! We had a quiet New Year's Day, as I needed to prep myself for a super crazy busy month ahead relating to our fourth quarter results.  I also had a new manager.  Coming back after a year off, I felt a bit "rusty" and needed some time to "kick start the engine".  But boy, nothing prepared me for what was to come.  I worked long hours tirelessly, sleeping a few hours each night.  There was just too much work to be done, and I was even asked to absorb additional quarter end related work due to staff movement.  It was depressing.  The new low came when I had to FaceTime Isabelle before her bedtime.  That was when I knew something needed to give.   Of course in everyone's head, the light at the end of the tunnel was the day we announce earnings publicly, and I co