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Showing posts from September, 2016

Project Scotland v2 | Inverness to Torridon

When I first came over to the UK, my first trip out of London was actually to Scotland with Cynthia and friends.  I still remember that 9h overnight train (bad idea) to Aberdeen where we met up with the rest and split into two cars, led by LSC.  He planned everything and we were all very grateful for all the research and planning work gone into our trip.  We laughed so much those few days, listening to their PwC stories, and at the end of it I felt like I knew his colleagues even though I've not seen them before.  We fondly called that trip Project Scotland. In between I made a trip to Glasgow with my girl friends as it's Sarah's hometown.  We visited her family and hung out.  We even took the train and went down to Edinburgh for an afternoon to visit her aunt. Fast forward years later, I found myself back on another similar Project Scotland which I should probably call "Project Scotland v2".  Last year Lawrence suggested that the group of us do the NC500 (Nor