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Showing posts from November, 2017

Special weekend | Baby Shower

This past weekend was a pretty special one.  Firstly, it was my baby shower on Saturday, and secondly, my good friend Priscilla flew over on Friday to spend the weekend, with the intention of joining in my baby shower.  Months ago, Gabby asked me about my thoughts of a baby shower, and that she would be honoured to organise one for me.  She said all I needed to do was to give her a list of names, and come up with a baby shower gift list which she could pass on to the guests.  She also asked me to pick a date, and I came up with 18th November, a Saturday.  That was ages ago.  Then as time drew nearer, my excitement increased, and I suddenly had the thought of asking if Pris wanted to fly in for a weekend in London and be part of my celebration. I took last Friday off, and waited at home for her to turn up.  It was a bit of an adventure for her, in terms of getting to mine from Gatwick Airport, in that she took the wrong train and ended up further out in Kent!  Thankfully at least she

Life, as we know it now

I'm so glad I survived my last quarter end for now - phew!  And my replacement at work is finally identified, after so long.  Now my manager is so anxious and keen for me to pass on everything I know to him.  Which sort of irritates me because I gave her a 6 month heads up but she didn't really act upon it until in the last couple of weeks, where it was an almost desperate situation.  Oh well, one more month to go until I go on leave, whoop whoop! Our house is finally more or less done, after more than 7 months.  It's a huge relief, although it didn't end very well which I shall not go into too much detail here.  We just wanted it to be done and not see the builder and his workers again.  To be fair their workmanship is very good, and everyone comments on it when they come and visit our house, so we have to give credit where credit is due.  Our nursery-to-be, which is the biggest room in the house (we planned to move into that bedroom but we are so settled in our curr