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Showing posts from February, 2018

Isabelle Sophia | Nine weeks

I think I have almost forgotten I have a blog!  This is probably the longest silence and if you are still checking back frequently for updates, well done you and thank you!  What a ride it has been!  Life is all a big mish-mash of same-same-but-different every day.  You know what I mean?  My life now is divided into 3 hourly sessions of feeding, burping, changing nappies, cuddling, soothing a crying baby on repeat mode.  And if by some miracle I can find time in between to do something for myself, then consider it a big win. 9 weeks old! Yes we know, baby Looking at this face does make my heart go aww Say what?!  Yes our munchkin is 9 weeks old.  *fist pump* We survived.  They said motherhood is tough but boy I had no idea what that phrase meant till now, especially for first time parents where we have to figure out what baby wants/ needs when she cries.  It is a very steep learning curve.  An on-the-job learning.  Thankfully baby Isabelle has learnt how to smile now,

Isabelle Sophia | One month old

Wow has it been a month since we welcomed our little one?  It's been a month being new parents, a month getting to know our little munchkin, and a month of very little or intermittent sleep.  Emotions run high with a colicky baby (helppp) and it's been a tough ride, peppered with aww did-you-see-that moments.  Everyone tells us we should sleep when baby sleeps, but it's easier said than done.  There are always clothes to be washed, hung, folded.. nappies to change, milk to pump, meals to be eaten.. and then you realise oh it's time to feed baby again!  I've long forgotten how it is like to go to work (not that it's a bad thing). We threw a one month old party for Isabelle two weekends ago and she was as angelic as can be - sleeping throughout her whole party.  That's because she had crying fits the night before till 6am (our worst night ever with Isabelle), and kept us awake too.  K and I dragged ourselves out of bed around 1030am unwillingly, mumbling