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Showing posts from August, 2013

The rise of the selfie

selfie: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website. I'm not sure about you but I only heard about this word "selfie" a few months ago, surprisingly at Colour Conference.  As part of this whole girly Hillsong event, Bobbie Houston and team arranged for this huge wall full of flowers and she joked saying "Now you may all go and take a selfie and upload it on Facebook, Instagram..." And I seriously thought she invented that word because I haven't heard it from anywhere else. And then this week I read that this word has officially made it to the Oxford dictionary as part of their quarterly online update (not originating from Bobbie Houston, no).  This phenomenon is definitely on the rise and let's admit it - you and I have all done a selfie at some point in time. hehe. Yesterday at the Heathrow lounge, I grabbed a copy of Stylist magazine (a free UK women'

Who said bankers have no feelings?

I was seriously surprised today.  When I left for my wedding in June, my team gave me a card with their wishes and sent me on my way to get married in Hertfordshire. Now it's wedding part 2 coming up and today was my last day at work.  I was planning a quiet exit for two weeks, since in my mind K and I are very much married.  This morning my manager asked me for a handover meeting and together with Apoorva, we were at her desk looking at this report which we have been working on for the past week.  Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw some people coming towards us and I just assumed they were here for a meeting with my manager.. and I was worried she had to leave soon, and kept telling her "wait Katia, very quickly, we could maybe add these two more pieces of info on the report?  Revenues earned since they came for approval?  Oh oh what about dates of approval?"  I was in a rush to get all the words out of my mouth when suddenly I realised something is not right.

Lake District | Love Bank Holidays

I love going on trips on a whim.  If you have been hanging around my blog since it started, you would probably remember our misadventure to the lake district back in 2008.  It was such a memorable trip that I had stayed clear of the place since then - too much haunting memories lol See what happened was that.. it rained relentlessly over the weekend we were there and we ended up BBQ'ing in the rain, and had no accommodation for the night.  Gasp - yes, no accommodation and so we had to make do with the MPV we rented.  All 7 of us squeezed in the car and spent the night in a park smelling like BBQ ourselves.  You can read more here: So a mental note I made to myself was that I needed to go back someday, WITH accommodation this time round, nevermind the BBQ.  Also, you have to know that it rains ever so much in the lake district that you do wonder why people complain so much about London'

Long awaited English wedding gallery is live!

My husband!! Gosh I have been married for almost two months now.  Married life is great so far, I still need to get used to calling someone "my husband" hehe. We are now planning for round two in Singapore.  You would think that I'm (almost) a pro now so everything is a breeze.  Oh well, in many aspects I do have to admit that Singapore bridal shops and  hotels do pretty much everything for you.  The difficult part to me would be the scheduling of events (sticking to timings), the logistical aspects of it and arranging the seating plan for so many people.  For English weddings here in the UK, you have to pretty much do and source everything yourself.  Mainly people want to cut costs down hence lots of DIY stuff which suits me actually since I love crafty stuff since young.  We initially settled for a venue near Greenwich Park which is an English Heritage manor house and we were told if we rent the place, we would literally be renting the hall and nothing else.  We