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Showing posts from October, 2020

Autumn | An explosion of colours

It's so beautiful to see the changing colours for autumn.  Trees are turning yellow and brown.  They literally stop me in my tracks as I gaze upon the colours and marvel at God's wonderful creation and appreciate the beauty in seasons.  I simply love having four seasons. The Virginia Creeper plant in our garden is usually the first to showcase their colours and it's what I wait in anticipation every year and try to capture photos of it.  I didn't manage to do it last year as I remember there was a storm and it rained for days on end.  I put off taking any photos and soon all the leaves fell to the ground. And so I had to wait one year for it. This time round, I made sure we didn't miss it.  I even armed myself with a tripod.  So serious?  Yes I was. Izzy was trying to jump here Because of Covid, we are choosing to spend weekends outdoors in parks instead of indoor shopping malls.  I'm on the lookout for pretty autumnal places so I might be able to share more in


Ah October.  My favourite month as you probably know by now.  Not only is it my birthday month, it is also the month where autumn sets in and we see colours changing from green to orange, yellow and brown.  It is also where our jackets come out and we start to turn on the heating in our house. I've got so much to blog about, but leisure time is not on my side unfortunately.  Taking care of two kiddos plus the usual cooking and laundry is so exhausting, I usually just pass out at night after I do my last milk pump.  I have reduced by one pumping session in the past two weeks, and often ask how long do I want to pump for, because that in itself is time consuming, and I am seriously stretched thin with all that I need to do.  Sometimes I wish I were an octopus so I can multitask and do eight things at one go.  Oh well.. So yes October is birthday month, but with what's going on (enough already, Covid!) and two kids, we had to spend some money for a baby sitter to come round, so K