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Showing posts from April, 2018

What's going on these days

Baby Isabelle and I are both in sunny Singapore!  We have been here for exactly two weeks now, and will be here for a record breaking time of... 3 months!  Which is why I am not stuffing myself silly with food because there will be ample time to do so. Pre-flight stress I remember being extremely stressed especially on the day of the flight.  Our flight was at 10pm at night and in my head I thought there was a lot of time to get ready.  I mean we had the whole day, that should be fine, no?  I even told my aunt we could take a walk in the nearby park.. oh and I needed to go to the post office.  Guess what, eventually we didn't do either of those!  The packing seemed never ending and I seemed to be packing more and more stuff and squeezing into my luggage.  Auntie was the same - she kept having to squeeze her shopping into her almost-exploding luggage.  For the first time, between two people we had 5 pieces of check in luggage.  What? Yes that is right.  That was unheard of prev

Happy Birthday Hubby/Daddy Ong

We are staring to get the smiles now! Two weeks ago was Daddy Ong's birthday.  I had arranged for a surprise birthday dinner with our group of friends on a Friday evening, although it can be said that I have been arranging his birthday dinner for the past 2 years with the same group of friends, it is not quite a surprise anymore.  My aunt kindly agreed to take care of Isabelle for that evening whilst we were out, but sadly Isabelle realised she was missing out on all the fun and decided to scream and cry the entire evening.  Aunt Doreen kept texting me telling me "she is still crying." and "still crying, screaming now".  She was stressed and we were stressed too.  At one point I believe she couldn't even type and recorded a mere 5 second of Isabelle's screaming cries.  Oh my lord, let us quickly finish this food and ask for the birthday cake, pronto!  Needless to say we were on a mission to get home.  Oh baby! The only pic I have in my phone