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Showing posts from November, 2012

Me and My Bro


Goodbye to our Guests

Our weekend at a glance. As mentioned, the roast duck yummy dinner - where my brother ate three bowls of rice for dinner.  Just because he missed jasmine white rice that much. The happy faces seeing Chinese food Christmas shopping where Denise went a bit crazy seeing all the 3 for 2 items Denise's favourite store After shopping, the guys decided to cook us some dinner :) Cooking dinner on Sunday Menu: Chicken curry, baby pak choi and onion omelette All the great buys of the day.  After this, luggages are full, no more shopping! And on Monday evening, Ed and Denise decided to cook us a farewell dinner This is a never seen before footage - Ed cooking! Ed & Denise's paprika and tomato chicken drumsticks A group shot before tucking in Winter is coming - we need to keep warm at home :)

What have I been doing?

It has been a quiet 2 weeks on this blog.  What have I been doing since welcoming the new Mrs Goh to our family?  In fact, this photo now feels like a long time ago when it's only barely 2 weeks! Well after a whirlwind 6 day trip back home, K and I found ourselves back in cold autumny London with more fallen yellow leaves on the ground.  The air in the morning is now cold and crisp, and sometimes on the way to work, I can see my breath due to the cold air.  Initially it was raining quite a bit too, so you can imagine it's quite sad and gloomy.  Oh the day is much shorter too.  I can see the sunset at about 4pm.  But then I gotta remind myself that actually I do consider autumn being my favourite season!  Well, my perceived "most romantic" season with the weather starting to turn cold, and seeing the leaves turning brown and yellow... and out come the jackets and boots.  Just like in the movies :)  And of course the best thing is, you start hearing Christmas jingl