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Showing posts from August, 2011

Cotswolds- the heart of the English Countryside (2)

I was distracted by the rainbow which was why I had a break in between posts.. so let me now finish my post on the Cotswolds weekend. We wanted a relaxing weekend so we chilled out in the lovely B&B in the morning... we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. Met a German couple in the dining hall but they checked out after breakfast. We knew we have limited time in the Cotswolds as we had to start the drive back to London giving us enough time for bad traffic as many people would be travelling back on the M25 on Sunday nights. I read that there are lavender fields in the UK, and having seen amazing fields in Provence two years ago, I really wanted to see how the fields are like here, plus they harvest every mid June to late July which means perfect timing for a visit. I googled a Somerset Lavender field just south of Bath and so after debating, we decided to forgo Castle Combe because according to Mrs Kim Sully, it is even smaller than Lacock, with only five local p

of moving, shopping.. and rainbows

A very random blog post title I know but it all happened in one day you see... ;) For some odd reason, I find myself packing up and moving every year since I came to London. The time spent in a place averages 1 year and so yes I am in the midst of packing and moving once again (seriously I feel like a nomad). Not that I want to, but I have to. This being my 3rd move, I choose to think I am more used to it now. It has been a big change in this area.. the first time I moved was when Cynthia moved back to Singapore and I felt so lost and helpless having to move. I just didn't know how to do it. Now I grow less attached to a place and as dreadful as it is having to pack up and move, I do realise the benefit of it, which is getting rid of stuff you don't need and I do know what I haven't touched for the past one year. I used to be really sentimental and had the "aww... I am sure I need this one day..." but now, I am more determine to scale down my stuff becau

Cotswolds- the heart of the English Countryside (1)

Fairy tale land does exist!  In Lacock. I always love the idea of going to the English countryside and Cotswolds is the area with the most beautiful villages in England. Since it's summer, I suggested doing a weekend trip to the Cotswolds (even the name sounds magical to me, like a place out of an Enid Blyton book with pixies and fairies.. and toadstools.) This is a huge sprawling area over a few counties and we had to decide whereabouts in Cotswolds we wanted to go, so after doing some reading up, I decided the area of Wiltshire, in particular to visit the villages of Lacock and Castle Combe. It's about a 2h drive outside London and once you are out of London, all you can see is endless vast green fields.. it was pouring with rain when we left so our fingers were crossed for the sun to come out once we reach our destination. I booked a B&B farm-stay somewhere on the outskirts of Bath. The drive towards the Cotswolds... Patches of farmland and some

Baptism in Brighton

My second time to Brighton beach last Saturday, and this time I finally made it for Hillsong's Baptism at Brighton beach event which takes place every summer. A few of us from connect group met at London Bridge station and took the hour long journey train to Brighton. Guys from church in bright blue shirts were at the station to make sure nobody got lost which was really nice. Just arrived and making ourselves comfortable The leaders gathering While the rest of us wait It was a bright and sunny day, perfect day for the beach. Richard and Scott from my connect group signed up to get baptised and so we were there to lend some moral support. Not that they needed any moral support but it was nice to have friends around witnessing this unforgettable day in your Christian life. It was a good turnout and really encouraging to see so many people getting baptised, and I have to make a special mention that the water was really cold! I was tasked to take some photos of Ric

Girly Afternoon Tea

Just a simple short post today. Met Sarah yesterday for her birthday treat at Marriott Hotel- a champagne afternoon tea. I bought it off a Groupon deal which was really worth it. We haven't spent much time recently together. In that 2.5h, we chatted and had a very good catch up. From light hearted to very serious stuff close to our hearts like never before. Good times :)

London Under Attack

Oh my goodness London is under attack from mindless thugs rioting! It started last Saturday night in Tottenham, north of London following the killing of a man and I didn't think too much of it thinking it's not near me. When I woke up this morning I soon realised that it has spread rapidly, with fires burning down buildings, looting and rioting all over the place. Looters were breaking into shops blatantly taking away whatever they could. Arsonists set fire to buildings, cars and bins. It was very scary indeed. Gabby's neighbourhood of Croydon had a huge building burnt down last night and luckily where she and Ben are living are safe. My neighbourhood is ok too but I soon read that Lewisham which isn't too far away from me had riots there too. The huge supermarket 5min to where I live was looted last night. O.M.G. I went in to work, and my manager came over saying I can leave as long as I'm done for the day. Throughout the day, the TV near me which us