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Showing posts from March, 2018

A Little Book of Love

I mentioned previously that I am part of my church's mums and bumps group.  Recently we were all involved in this little project to make a small book for expectant mums in the church, having now moved from being pregnant to motherhood.  I'm still  relatively new to this adventure, so I can't really give much advice but based on this short ride of mine, I answered the questions you see below.  Each of us submitted a pic of mum and baby to be included with the interview.  I do look forward to seeing the final product.  What a great idea! Questions: 1.  Motherhood transforms.  Can you explain a bit what where the biggest changes for you as a person, changes in how you see yourself and the world.   Motherhood for the first time throws you into a whole new world that you never once knew.  You will be sleep deprived and there will be good and bad days.  I’ve learnt how to multi task more than before.  At the same time I’m also learning to let go of what is less important