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Showing posts from January, 2021

Hello 2021, hello lockdown (again)

Happy New Year!  How has your January been? Gosh it's been ages since my last post!  I've been meaning to blog about the children's birthdays back in December, our Christmas, our Kew Christmas light trail which we did on New Year's Day, but I just couldn't find any time to do so.  I thought it's perhaps more appropriate to blog about how our January have been so far, and then I'll backtrack and blog about the stuff mentioned above. How life is like in London under Lockdown 3.0 As you probably know by now, we are now in the third national lockdown here in the UK.  I've mentioned this to many, but our lives have been consisting of endless lockdowns since last March.  I mean, I am beginning to forget how having a social life is like.  That said, the silver lining is that we are spending a lot of exclusive family time together, and K still works from home, so it is much easier to have another pair of eyes and hands around when I need it with the two kids.  M