Last Thursday two of our colleagues organised a GEM team outing.. to watch something very British - Cricket! Knowing nothing about this game, I thought just go to see what is it like and it was a great chance to know more people from my department.
The Lord's Cricket Ground is supposed to be one of the best cricket fields over here and best thing? We all left office at 430pm! yay Including the big bosses which I thought was quite cool.
It was the first cricket game for many of us and initially everyone was asking everyone else what are the rules of this game, etc... Everyone at the ground was given this cardboard with the numbers '4' and '6' for you to flash and wave madly once they score some points.
And... err errr 1h later, I kept looking at my watch haha and Ciaran beside me was discussing about the EuroCup with our Romanian friend Andre *tsk tsk*. The only fun part was that our colleagues brought a lot of picnic food plus beer (naturally), and the crowd was very spontaneous and kept urging the people at the ends of one section to start what they call a Mexican wave (our Kallang wave equiv HAHA) and the group of us happened to be at one end so we were the ones who always started and where the wave ended, everyone would boo loudly at that section which was so funny. And the more funny part was seeing our bosses doing the wave very enthusiastically all in the name of spontaneity and fun.
Sadly I think many of us still prefer football over cricket and very obvious too because many rushed off right after the game to catch the second half of the EuroCup match and.. I suspect this could most likely be the first and last cricket match for some of us.. personal preference lah.. hee