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Updates- Life, Church, Hillsong Conference 08...

It has been a whirlwind. The days are all blurred together, with work (fighting against angry traders - boo, really can't stand them), and travelling with Minghui and the Hillsong Conference 08.

Friends have been visiting me consecutively since end Aug somehow, and with Hillsong Conference clashing with Minghui's time here, I just feel so bad at not spending enough time with her showing her around London but yet I feel I need to attend the conference... simply because I am so down with work.

Work's really not great at the moment but am thankful for my supportive boss. Mere thought of it makes me depressed! haiz makes me appreciate traders back in Asia more, really. Loud, unreasonable, demanding... so on so on... URGH

Just back from Hillsong London Conference 08 at Excel. Honestly I was super sad when I realised that Hillsong changed Ps Prince's preaching schedule last minute and the tickets I got were not his sessions... he was to preach on that two days I was in Berlin. oh man can you imagine.. just felt so low but then deep down inside, I felt the prompting that any preacher can also minister to me, not only my own pastor. But then again, can you imagine the excitement of your own pastor coming to London and then I am not there. Anyways I attended the opening on Wednesday night and also Saturday's full day sessions. Honestly, I couldn't concentrate much coz I was just toooo tired. Back at 2am on Friday night and Sat 7.30am I had to reach Excel as I signed up to volunteer. Anyhow I was elated when I managed to steal some moments saying Hi to Ps Prince and other pastors from back home on saturday after the praise party. Familiar faces in the 5,000 strong crowd - YAY

I know Jesus loves me, coz today Ps Prince preached at Hillsong church two services! And, for the first time in my life, I attended two church services in one sunday. They were two different sermons so it was pretty cool. People had to queue up for the 5pm service which was crazy and it reminded me suddenly of sundays back home at Suntec City where we just have to queue to get a seat in the auditorium. *No, not missing this at all. Over here, it feels so good to walk into church on the dot as service starts and get a reasonable seat in the audi. This is seen as a luxury back home.*

So now, am very full in the spirit now :D
Shall be a wonderful week ahead with Jesus :)


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