Wimbledon has well ended with Nadal winning and my excitement has obviously dwindled considering how long ago it was.. but here are the photos :)
Reaching Wimbledon train station to be greeted by this huge sign and a long queue for shuttle bus to the ground
We were very excited. Gorgeous sunny weather too!
One of the smaller courts
Schedule of play
Champagne Bar
Did I tell you HSBC is the best bank ever?
Enjoying our pimms and strawberries & cream
What an interesting couple haha.. cute!
Our centre court tickets. We were joking it's not even row Z. It's ZA! But then again, who are we to complain.
Waiting for the match to begin...
wheeee look who's here
Look at all the power looking cameras
And he serves
After 3h, Federer wins and then they were gone *applause*
The ladies' singles
Taking the routemaster back to Wimbledon station, perfect end to a beautiful day =)