I came across some old black and white photos of Tower Bridge taken in the early 1900s and thought it would be interesting to post them to have a mini comparison of Tower Bridge: Then and Now. What a strange feeling, to know it has been standing there majestically over the River Thames for a really long time spanning throughout many generations. And then looking at it today with my own eyes, in the modern world that we are now. It's kinda difficult to reconcile these two facts don't you think?
Two Saturdays ago we were invited to the Kim's for a themed dinner, specifically a Murder Mystery dinner party. What is that, you might ask. It was our first time attending such a dinner too, and so how it works is: a group of people attend a dinner party. Each is assigned a role and will be given a script to read that night. The aim of the party is to identify a murderer in the midst of us by the end of the night. The hosts would work off a dinner game set (they got it off Amazon) and it comes with proper invites, setting/ scene, table name cards, scripts and even a suggested menu. Clearly RX is an Agatha Christie fan. Two weeks beforehand, we received our invites in the postbox, telling us what roles we each have been assigned and the suggested attire (and props if necessary). Interesting yes? The dinner was to start at 7pm and we were to have 8 people that night. It's all very mysterious… Our invitation cards assigned K the...